The lobbyists, special interests, and RINO politicians are doing everything they can to defeat the conservative movement. Donate now to stop them!

Checks Made Payable to: Huff For House
PO Box 393
185 Lebby Street
Pelzer, SC 29669


We must fiercely defend the sanctity of life, uphold the Second Amendment, and ensure that the values of South Carolina’s Upstate are strongly represented in Columbia.

It’s high time we prioritize funding for students, not failing systems. Parents deserve the freedom to choose the best learning environment for their children through universal school choice.

Parents have an absolute right to determine the education, care, and moral upbringing of their children. Chris staunchly supports parental authority, whether it’s about vaccine decisions, school choice, or instilling core values. He’ll fight tooth and nail for a Parental Bill of Rights that unequivocally recognizes that your child belongs to you, not the government.

Chris will be as conservative in office as he is on the campaign trail. An unapologetic fighter, he’ll never cave to the Columbia Swamp. Instead, he’ll go toe-to-toe with anyone who is standing in the way of our conservative values.

The radical, woke Left has infiltrated our schools, infected our society, and is actively undermining the foundation of America. As our state representative, Chris won’t give them an inch. He’ll challenge them at every turn, cut funding to their indoctrination programs, and outlaw their anti-American and unconstitutional ideologies like CRT, DEI and ESG.